Utopia launches “Law and Literature” course with the University of Minho


In partnership with the University of Minho, a course dedicated to “Law and Literature” has been created for the Utopia festival. There will be three sessions in which each guest will analyze two works, contrasting the literary vision with that of the law. The guests are Álvaro Laborinho Lúcio, Isabel Pires de Lima and Pedro Mexia. Joana Aguiar e Silva will be the moderator.

Admission is free, prior registration is required.

Session details:

Course “Law and Literature”, with Álvaro Laborinho Lúcio

Works under analysis:  The Stranger, by Albert Camus and Eichman in Jerusalem, by Hannah Arendt

November 16th, 10:00

Venue: Rectory of the University of Minho

Course “Law and Literature”, with Isabel Pires Lima

Works under analysis: Jangada de Pedra and Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, by José Saramago

November 18th, 18:00

Venue: Rectory of the University of Minho

Course “Law and Literature”, with Pedro Mexia

Works under analysis: In the Penal Colony, by Franz Kafka and Bartleby the Clerk, by Herman Melville

November 23rd, 10:00

Venue: Espaço Vita (P. António Room)
